Friday, March 17, 2006

When it's time to say goodbye...


I remember when I went to the animal shelter and picked her out. She was my birthday present to myself one year.

*She was laying on the floor after running in circles in the back yard with her Big Sis' Zoey, she was tired and looked silly so I took a pic and made her into art.*

She had a rough health life but you'd never know it most days. I did everything financially possible to help her and she had a great 3 years on this Earth. After the last 6 months of pills, painkillers and surgeries it was time to say goodbye. I knew it was coming but that didn't make it any easier. We took her in to the vet for the last time, a good chunk of her life was in vet hospitals, so now she wouldn't have to be scared anymore. I sure do miss her.

Today, my friend of many years is laying her dog to rest after 15 years of always greeting her as she arrived at her parents house. Snowball will no longer be there to bark and anounce your presence. May the Carlsons' find their peace knowing she will no longer suffer from seizures or have to take her pills twice a day anymore. No more shots, no more "bad days," no more days of wondering if this seizure will be bigger than the last... Snowball will be able to use her legs in doggie heaven and I hope she'll find Molly and say "woof" for me.


Net_Lemming said...

I remember well.

Lex said...

*hugs* Nobody likes to lose an animal!