Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rain cancelled our game but not practice...

So it started out sunny yesterday morning. Come game time at 4:00pm, it was dark, cloudy and raining. By 4:10pm the umpires called the game. However, in the 1/2 of inning that way played, out of 4 batters on the opposing team, there were 3 errors on our team. Not so good. This coming after the awesome tournaments we just played. So let the practice begin.

It took us 2 hours to get through 2 drills. At one point the rain was at a heavy drizzle and I didn't skip a beat. Ball after ball was hit. We were all wet and tired. A player quit. It was a rough day.

Today is sunny... today's outcome will be quite the opposite of yesterday though. I can feel it.

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