Thursday, March 02, 2006


I have yet to get home before 10:00pm each night. Last night was the big winner, I didn't walk through the door till 10:40pm. At the rate I'm going, it really would be better to just live in my car. I have 1/2 my wardrobe, some games, shoes, med-gear and who knows what else, all at my finger tips. We got to eat dinner at about 9:45pm, in the car, while driving to pick up the dogs. That's fun.

I have high hopes for tonight. I might be home by 9:00pm. That's pretty sweet. Being a "mom" of 16 teenagers is tough. Most days I can barely keep track of myself, being responsible for so many makes my eyeballs spin. It's all an adventure really and I will ride as long as the universe allows.

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