Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Just Out of My Grasp

I spend my days thinking of you. Wishing, waiting and wanting the chance to be called yours. We simply mesh in so many ways but that doesn't seem to be enough to make it so. I hear your words and I understand your fears but as time moves on, I wonder if you'll ever give yourself to me. I'm saddened at the idea of never being able to truly know all of you.

Days pass, time moves slowly still. I feel something... different. I know it's coming. I see you ahead. I follow you. You keep yourself at a distance. The space between seems to be growing larger and larger. I start to run, I want to be by your side. The faster I run, the further apart we become till with one misguided step I fall. The breath is knocked out of me. I lay there with tears streaming, knowing that I've lost you and for the first time in my life, I don't get up. I can't do it. I know how it feels now...

I reach my hand out to...

~Not sure how this one ends. Did I mention I hate these types of dreams?~

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Right Around the Corner

I was thinking about love, broken hearts, the unknown and here is how my romantic muse, a song and this photo inspired this story.

I sit along this light post, starring at the sky painted above. I take a sip from my apple-tini and feel it dance slowly down to my stomach. I close my eyes and take in every bit of it's flavor. A smile slowly draws itself across my face, I inhale a deep breath as I set my glass down to rest for a moment. As I reopen my eyes I see people walk past, to and fro. Some very fast, some very loud, others just strolling around. I see couples, friends, parents, children... and I begin to wonder about her.

I reach for my glass again and take a long sip, once again enjoying every flavor that is skipping across my palette. She seeps to the forefront of my thoughts. The smile she possesses, the way she opens a door for me, the way she looks at me from across a crowded room and makes me feel like I'm the only one there. We're always laughing, even at the silliest of things. Even in our serious moments we can find a way to smile. I love that about us. She reaches for my hand as many times as there are moments for her to do so. She takes me in her arms and we dance together, anywhere because the music is within us. We have just as much fun on a road trip as we do sitting next to each other on the couch. It truly doesn't matter where we are as long as we're together. People are sickened by our "cuteness." We go on long walks together, constantly talking about ideas and what's coming up next. The way she coddles over me, the way she brings things before I even realize I wanted them until they are in my hand. Constant and equal admiration toward one another. Being able to "feel" when something isn't quite right and knowing how to fix it. Passion that runs so deep and long that it could overflow every empty stream or canal in the world. A feeling of knowing that this person has gifted you their entire being, entrusted you with their very soul... this, this is what I long for.

As he says... "I just haven't met you yet."

Monday, August 16, 2010

6 Word Story:

Sometimes ones best isn't good enough

(I heard this, this past weekend... just wanted to note it. It made me feel very sad deep down. As I don't like those emotions, when something makes me "feel" like that, I want to capture it in some way.)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hope I never stop...

I have such a run and jump with both feet attitude. I will push and shove and find my way through with such determination. I will give everything I can. I will talk till I'm blue in the face. I will use my words with such fierceness and conviction, lawyers would be impressed. When I believe in something, I want everyone around me to believe it. I mean, if it's so obvious to me, why can't it be to someone else? Why? Why? Why?

*I'm shaking my head repeating "Why?" like 100 times, no joke*

So the downfall, if I were a pessimist, is that sometimes when I land, it's unfortunate that it's flat on my face or my ass. I have to wonder as years pass and more failures happen (because I'm realistic, not a pessimist) am I going to start to lose that child-like enthusiasm? Am I going to stumble my way through something awkwardly or not at all?

Goodness, I certainly hope not. I hope I can remember those few FANTASTIC moments that have occurred in my life when it did pay off. That I'm glad I went for it. I'll keep hope because that's what I do. I don't want to walk anywhere else, I like my path of hope. I just can't help but hope for someone to share that walk with some day...
6 Word Story:

Creative Process has gone sad, amplified

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 Word Story:

Wishful thinking; Too much to ask?
Romanticized + Me = Story Line

I know I have a very skewed vision of what I think love should be. I watch movies and think, "yeah, it should be like that. It should have a happy ending." I wish for it, I dream about it, I long for it...

I want someone to fight for me. I want someone to want me as strongly as I want them. I want to not just be in love but be able to feel that love to the very depth, in every part of my body. I wonder why it has to be so hard. I know those cliches of "anything worth having isn't easy" or "the foundation of a strong relationship is the toughest to build, then it just flows upwards naturally." Right now though, I'm so wanting to throw my hands up and scream at the universe. Scream until there isn't an inkling of sound left in me.

I've always been told, "if you want something, go get it." I can honestly say, you can't make someone 'want' you in such in a way. When you start using your wishes from falling stars, when you're asking the universe to step in... you may need to look at what you're asking for. You're asking for forces of nature to assist you in making someone want you. So in essence, that still isn't what you want really want at all. I would like to not have to ask for it or tell someone, I just want them to know... like I do. :::sigh::: Believe me I know this is something I'll write about. Some conversations as of late with a friend have brought a lot of emotions, thoughts and realizations to the surface. We've been doing a lot of brainstorming off one another for poems and plots. A majority of this blog is going to rock a few of my characters.

What an interesting cycle. Love. Such a small word. It means so many different things from one person to the next. What does it mean to you?

Monday, August 09, 2010

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

If not now maybe try again

~So fixated on one person who truly isn't 'fighting' for you the way you romanticize about and with for but still you keep trying because that's what you do.~

~as relationships come up and then end, you wonder if all the while, all the work you put toward making things work with this unsuited person, did you miss someone who would have fought for you but respected where you were or the fact that a 2nd glance was never given to move forward~

~the notion that if the universe knows you are suppose to be with this person that they will give you another opportunity when you are better prepared and ready to give that glance, the one you see you in movies and long for so desperately~

~the idea that the universe really is on your side and will bring you that person when they truly see fit but if you're too dang stubborn and blow it, maybe you just reset the stars to offset future relationships~

Interjecting: I never thought about being given a 2nd chance on a missed opportunity, that is blowing my mind right now.

Nicely done Nadia! I can't wait to tackle this one.
6 Word Story:

Can she ever give herself completely?