Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Romanticized + Me = Story Line

I know I have a very skewed vision of what I think love should be. I watch movies and think, "yeah, it should be like that. It should have a happy ending." I wish for it, I dream about it, I long for it...

I want someone to fight for me. I want someone to want me as strongly as I want them. I want to not just be in love but be able to feel that love to the very depth, in every part of my body. I wonder why it has to be so hard. I know those cliches of "anything worth having isn't easy" or "the foundation of a strong relationship is the toughest to build, then it just flows upwards naturally." Right now though, I'm so wanting to throw my hands up and scream at the universe. Scream until there isn't an inkling of sound left in me.

I've always been told, "if you want something, go get it." I can honestly say, you can't make someone 'want' you in such in a way. When you start using your wishes from falling stars, when you're asking the universe to step in... you may need to look at what you're asking for. You're asking for forces of nature to assist you in making someone want you. So in essence, that still isn't what you want really want at all. I would like to not have to ask for it or tell someone, I just want them to know... like I do. :::sigh::: Believe me I know this is something I'll write about. Some conversations as of late with a friend have brought a lot of emotions, thoughts and realizations to the surface. We've been doing a lot of brainstorming off one another for poems and plots. A majority of this blog is going to rock a few of my characters.

What an interesting cycle. Love. Such a small word. It means so many different things from one person to the next. What does it mean to you?

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