Saturday, March 18, 2006

Shrimpies, popcorn, friends and the letter "V"

Yesterday was great even with pouring rain. No practice was the start of this fantastic evening. Next was dinner at Red Lobster, mmm for the shrimpies. Heading out to the parking lot we encountered quite the storm in motion. Driving about 35mph hour, with the windshield wipers on the highest setting, made it quite the adventurous drive. Walking into the movie theater, I was hit with the smell of corn popping, almost beckoning me to buy it. This after a pretty big meal. What's a movie without popcorn? I headed to find seats for 7 and to my surprise found them quite easily, ahh the joys of rated "R" movies. That was 2+ very wonderful hours spent on a cinematic marvel (even though it was DC dreamt). I was hugely surprised that I would like it so much.

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Entertainment... nights like those make all the hard work so much more while.

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