Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The One Where the Year is Half Over

*throws confetti* Can you believe 1/2 of 2008 is officially over today? We are sailing through another year. Have you completed any of your New Years Resolutions? Do you even remember them? *giggles*

Today is a good segway into the rest of the year. There is still time, plenty of time, to get to some of those forgotten resolutions. My art isn't coming along as fast as I like but you can't rush it. The more I plan to get it done, the farther away from it I want to be. I'm still getting to it, just not in the fashion I had imagined.

From my eyes I can see that life isn't worth a lick of salt if you can't share it with the one your heart desires. I'm excited to wake up each day to see what is in store for us. Even if that means we sit on the couch watching Blue Dragon or Law & Order sharing a bowl of rainbow sherbet and laughing at the antics of our kittenkids. Don't waste your days waiting for something that isn't going to come... people won't change from what they are comfortable with and know... I'm glad I became uncomfortable and don't fear the unknown. I'm stronger than I thought and that is something I can be proud of.

There was a time I thought I'd hold regrets with my decisions, I guess my only true regret is not being more honest with myself sooner. *shrugs* but that is that and this is now and I love me some now :)

So in looking back on my "half yearly" mark. I'm pretty fucking great. *big smiles*

What about you?

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