Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meet Audrey's New Partner

So Sunday was an annual event at my parents' house. Most all of my moms siblings come to visit along with their children and their children about this time of year. Only 2 of the 8 kids weren't there, my 2 aunts that live out of the state.

We walked in and not so surprising to me my mom immediately introduced Alix as my new partner. I took this in stride as I know my mom and if she truly believes in something then everyone must know it and be okay with it, there is no arguing that point. She is very opinionated and isn't shy about it. She bestowed that gift to me and I couldn't be luckier for it. However, as much as I didn't bat an eye at it, Alix said she was quite taken a back with some form of her mouth dropping open a bit. I was in the process of hugging while she was shaking hands so I didn't truly get to enjoy her facial expression.

I had a moment of pure pride in my mother and happiness in my heart as I heard those words escape her mouth. I couldn't think of a better way for that to have gone. Welcome to the family baby girl.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

That's great Audrey!!! It's always so nice when family is accepting of what you love and want.

Hey, am I the only one that comments on your blogs?? Where is everyone???!!! hehe