Thursday, July 03, 2008

I'm like the Hockey Family, are you like the Hockey Family, I'm like the Hockey Family.

So I went to visit the girl at the bookstore today with some of our friends. Denise and Jenn have and at times, still work there so of course they have their favorite books. Denise has that kids section laid out. She was determined to show me this one book in particular because she said it reminded her of me and how she hopes to be one day.

I wasn't sure how to interpret that. *grins*

It opens up with Baby Hockey, Baby Hockey is holding a red balloon and it goes something like this;

'I have a red balloon, do you have a red balloon, I have a red balloon.' Turn the page and it shows the big red balloon popping. Baby Hockey is looking at the string he is left holding. Next page shows baby Hockey again proudly holding the string and saying 'I have a string, do you have a string, I have a string.'

So the entire book is of each of the Hockey Family Members and something they have and something happens to it and they still find some kind of positive out of it. I was pretty pleased that Denise thought of me when she read this book and that she hoped to be that way some day.

That was a pretty nice compliment *smiles*

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