Saturday, December 31, 2005

Footprints with a New Year

Well another year has come and gone...I can't believe I say good bye to my 10th year reunion year. Pretty crazy. Funny how one reflects at the end of a year. Did I accomplish my Resolutions from this year passed? Well I'd say I was about 50%, maybe 75%. I will work harder this year. I think I say that every year too.

Well it's raining a lot and will be raining a lot for the next couple of days. I think it's the Universes' way of cleansing us for a brand new year. Washing out the old and such.

This evening I will see my parents, I will see an old friend and I will play games with new friends. I'm glad I had another year with my parents and I'm happy I have my friends always.

As I have walked through this year, some new footprints have walked beside me, some old footprints have moved away, some have just stopped and others continue on by my side. For my new friends, I'm glad we have met and I hope my passion for all things is conveyed on to you. For my old friends who have moved on, I wish you well on your new path even if it must be without me. For those of you that have stopped, I hope you start again, if you need to go backwards, do it with caution for looking back is bad luck. For those of you by my side, I look forward to our newest year together and all the adventures set forth for us.

Be careful all and Have a Happy New Year!

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