Monday, February 13, 2006

What fingers?

I carry the bucket of supplies with me, so at any given time I can plop my butt down and make a rose. I made the final 10, I ran out of cello paper so I didn't really have a choice but to stop. My fingers truly are in pain. They are sensitive to the touch and typing is really, really fun today. I thought they were just red from the cello paper but now I think it's because I was rubbing them raw. To truly get that rose to stay on the stem, you have to tug pretty good on the floral tape.

The girls made about 270 on Saturday, it was great, we watched movies, ate some food and had some good laughs. I was proud at how hard everyone was working. One of the girls stabbed herself with a stem she was working so fast. That pretty much stopped her production. There were a lot of girls who couldn't wrap a flower to save their life. Some of them tried and tried but the rose bud was tilted, very obviously to the side, to which they named these, "the special ed," bunch. LOL

Lots of team building or as I like to say "family building."

1 comment:

Net_Lemming said...

I see you start several and then post all at once. :)