Friday, February 10, 2006

Running on Empty

So the days don't seem so daily... it all seems to be one big circle that isn't ending. One ginormous day if you will. I'm tired. I'm not cranky, there is just a lot to do. I work my government issued average 40 hours a week but that doesn't count the extra 18 after hours, as I like to call them. Each night I do not see the place where I reside till about 9:00pm and that's on a good night. I know it's the fundraisers, which I enjoy but holy geez are they time consuming. I got a free pass on practice today, so I'm waiting for Erin so we can run errands for tomorrow. Tomorrow being Saturday and looking like this...
8:30am gym
9:30am head to Arvin for practice
12:00pm finish practice and head to the classroom for the Candy Rose Sweat Shop
2-3:pmish head home to rest for a bit
6:30 Keckley gaming abode
11:00pm home to sleep

I hear the garage door, off I go to buy floral tape, fake leaves, cello paper and who knows what else.

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