Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

So I learned a lot yesterday. I learned that even though I've had no one to talk to when I walk in the door, my evolving attitude of "it could actually be worse" really helped this week go by quickly and the tiny bit of sadness I had, never got too far out of control. I had a bit of a hard time getting out of bed though. I didn't run to the tree, there was no one to say good morning to but Polly came strolling in and coaxed me out of bed... just one more day. *sigh*

Also, Happy Birthday Patty! I love that you just invite your friends in your home for snacks and a pure sense of happiness and love. I'm also glad that your Champagne Cake came out so well. Thank you for welcoming me in, in so many ways Patty. I enjoyed your birthday more than I usually do my own :)

I had fun with my family, as always. We ate, we laughed, we recited lines from A Christmas Story, it was great. Ate too much, of course and sat around. I had a very nice offer from Patty to go see a movie, it's what she wanted to do for her birthday and who am I to deny a girl on her birthday? *smiles*

As I walked out of my parents house, I enjoyed the lights. I always enjoy the lights, I think the neighbors do too. There are staples in my life, especially in the holidays and now, at the moment, I realized how important it was for Alix to be where she was at that moment.

I headed to Patty's and walk in to her doing what Patty's do best; checking out pin-up girls and singing in her PJ's :) It had made me wish I had changed into my sweats since she decided to go in her PJ's. Patty suggested we hurry so I could change and then if was off to popcorn madness!

She wanted to see 7 Pounds. I didn't know anything about this movie except that it had Will Smith in it. We got in line, a long long line full of stupid people. THEN I got into another line, even longer, full of stupid people who have never seen popcorn and sodas on the same menu.

I missed a few minutes of the movie and Patty gave me the run down... I was sad because I was pretty sure I could foresee the ending. I learned another sweet thing about Patty, she really does live minute by minute. When it finally hit her what was going to happen, she started quietly crying :( I handed her all the non-buttery napkins I had.

7 lbs

Helluva movie. Sometimes we need to be reminded of why we are put on this big huge Earth. Sometimes we need to be reminded that not ALL of humanity is going to shit, movie or not. So even though it was one of the saddest movies I've seen, I felt like I actually got something from it.

So I thank you Patty, for sharing such a special day, giving me some life insight and making this Christmas a little more memorable then I thought possible.

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Friend

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