Tuesday, December 09, 2008

32 years later, the aftermath

So today is my parents 32nd anniversary. WOW. With the way the breeders go through divorce now-a-days that is impressive, well in my eyes anyway. I've watched my parents for a long time and the one thing I've noticed when it comes down to it at the end of the day, they just make it work. Yeah they get under one anothers skin but who doesn't?

The part that newer generations have decided to evolve is that it is easier to give up then to communicate and work it out. Now I'm not talking about those who really aren't matched or one gives and gives while one only takes and never gives back. Some people are wicked selfish and well, they are so self involved that I hope you really like yourself because at the end of the day it's just you and you. The interesting match is when 2 of these identical signs match up, sit back grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, it's gonna get ugly kids. I know 2 signs specifically that should be cautious of their own dimise. Interesting indeed.

Anywhoodle, Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad. Dad enjoy your medium rare steak and mom leave him alone, it's one night *winks*

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