Friday, June 27, 2008

Time or Lack There of...

It still amazes me after all these years of turtle meetings, softball schedules, family events, birthdays, holidays, work and being social in general that it still takes acts of the Universe to have to schedule time to do nothing. Weird.

As a kid all you want to do is go go go. As an adult I apparently haven't changed my 9 year old mentality much. Now I'm not complaining at all, it just makes me sit back in awe on occasion with all that I have in the upcoming weeks. I'm not necessarily referring to actual upcoming weeks but the neverending upcoming weeks. I guess I'm lucky though. Some people never get the chance to experience life with so many wonderful people surrounding them. Sadly, they only keep a few people around them because it's safe. Who wants to live in the safety of bubble wrap? I know it's fun to play in but come on, broaden yourself and what better way than to surround yourself with new minds. I really do love meeting new people. They bring something to my growth as a person and I love the idea of that.

Tomorrow I get to grow a little more... enter TimidVenus and Little Georgia Jane :)

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