Friday, June 20, 2008

The one with the things I like right now:

So there isn't a whole lot going on right now and I'm perfectly okay with that. Alix is starting to work more hours but not so much that we don't get some good alone time in :) The framily is the framily and I love them. My parents are doing well and love me a lot and really care about what's going on in my life and I like that. Art is adventurous and learning the term "starving artist" is quite humbling. So no ranting of sorts just a little list of things I'm really into right now, things that make me happy.

1) Alix - really nothing else needs to be said than that sweet little name... I love you and Happy Anni :)
2) Wiggly Fish Fridays - it's our little dance we do every Friday and although I woke up too late to do it this AM we will for sure do it today at lunch. It's silly and completely us.
3) Framily - these girls in my life are more than amazing. They are so wonderful and I'm so blessed and grateful for everyone. Each girl gives me a different perspective on the world and I love it.
4) Family - The support system here is so strong, it's no wonder I'm as strong as I am.
5) Art - It's a new kinda life, with some new people and new ideas. I like it.
6) Geocaching - Hello nerdy GPS hobby
7) Pizza - So I've always loved pizza but you can't beat double pepperoni and extra sauce mmm
8) Ash & Polly - Our 2 little kittenkids that give us the best free.99 entertainment.
9) Color Me Mine - I may not always paint but it sure is fun to go and hang out with the framily.
10) Travian - The crack village online game I found... thanks a lot myspace :p
11) Wii - Nothing beats watching Star Wars Lego's shatter across the screen with a Wii-mote
12) Music - I always love me some music.
13) Orchids - A beautiful flower, hard to maintain but worth the work.
14) DVR Recordings - Love having our own marathons of Pokemon, Fosters, Blue Dragon and Las Vegas.
15) Sonic - Crapple Rocks (cranberry apple limeades) mmm
16) Turkey Burgers - who knew the gobble gobbles would make such awesome burgers?!
17) Nag Champa Incense - what a wonderful way to inspire ones-self

I'm sure there are much more but these are what I can whip out of my head right now. Have a happy wiggly fish Friday, I know I am :)


timidvenus said...

fyi: i want to marry nag champa incense.

Audrey said...

Wow.. that's intense... or is it incense? *I just won the cheezy award, bows*