Tuesday, February 26, 2008

That one moment...

There are things we do in life that sometimes make us sit back and really see ourselves in the center looking around at the 360 deg moment that is starring at us right then. Not sure what I'm talking about? If you've had them, you know and you'll also understand that words can't truly describe how this moment overtakes your mind/body/soul. I will try my best though to convey the one I have when I fly to Boston, my last one will overcome me next week and I'm perfectly okay with that...

I typically take a Red Eye flight to see her. The plan is that I will sleep on that flight so I'm not so shell shocked when I get into Boston. Unfortunately, that NEVER happens. While everyone is snoring around me, I'm sitting there tapping my foot. I try, I really do but I'm too damn excited. The first time was the worst, I fell a sleep and when I woke up and looked at the time, it had been 20 minutes. Wow... only 5 hours and 20 minutes to go... shit damn. The one flight where I tried a sleepy agent put me to sleep for 45 minutes *smacks head* so you see I'm like that kid that wants to run up and down the isle of the plane basically.

The upside of being awake? Yes there is one. We cross a few times zones on this flight and when 3:00am our time hits, it's 6:00am there and basically its sunrise time on the Atlantic. So the transfer of dark to light is very quick and to watch the sunrise on the clouds is pretty damn amazing. It's a magical hour for me really, the day is starting a new and I will be in her arms shortly. There's that moment while I'm sitting there looking out the window and watching each little ray of sunshine shoot out amongst the sky. Almost like it's shining through me and warming me all a glow inside. I get that smile on my face and my heart goes a flutter. Twitterpated, it's a wondrous thing.

It's always about the little moments. I love them so.

You can't set these moments up, they just happen. Oddly enough, you're typically alone at the time they do happen. I don't think everyone can experience them because they are too busy getting through life instead of enjoying it. Drinking it away or killing time till the next weekend...

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