Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Petty Picky Pessimistic People... PISS ME OFF!

Alright this one is ranty because I've had nothing but wonderful days for the past ??? (so many I've lost track). I'm going to write this out and then it will be done, no dwelling, no festering, just letting go in the nice afternoon breeze.

Petty People. Don't they realize they are the root of their own disgust? Because they choose to be so damn negative and controlling, they are truly responsible for their pettiness.

Picky People. How can you be soooo damn picky? So much in fact that people don't want to be around you anymore. You can't pick up on it though because you are so self involved that you can't even realize it... *shakes head* It's sad really.

Pessimistic People. If you're going to live this life seeing that glass constantly half empty and annoyed with anyone who doesn't do things EXACTLY as you do, then I probably don't want you within my energy anyway.

My advice is this; stop being so selfish and acting like a baby who throws a temper tantrum when she doesn't like the way things are going. Learn how to work with people instead of against them. You are in for a long, tough life otherwise and for that, I keep positive thoughts that one day you may wake up and realize, there are things much more horrible in the world and what you find "horrible" is equal to a -423 on the gauge of horribleness.

All done... now I go pack :) YAY!

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