Monday, February 18, 2008

*Phew* It's Monday already?

What a crazy/wonderful/tiring/loving/magical/funtagiously awesomest great time. The past 4 days have been great for so many reasons. My mom and I got closer last Wednesday, her curiousity got the best of her and now she is quite happy that Alix and I are so happy together. Valentines/Moving day was great.

Jenn & Denise came over and did this most fantastic blessing/ritual through our house. Jenn was very thorough and I could really feel the blessing. I watched them go over our home, protecting us and putting all of their love into it. I walked down at one point to get my family and I was standing there shaking a little. I could completly feel it. It made me all smiley inside and when I walked back in, I got the exact same feeling. Every time I walk in, I can feel it and I love it. It really does feel like a home. Everyone got everything moved in a few short hours, it was awesome. The washer/dryer were a bit of a challenge but overall it went well. My dad offered to buy the first groceries which was awesome cause money will be tight for awhile but you can't exchange the happiness I feel for some green paper. We got home at 11:ish pm from the store and my parents were wiped out. I sent them on their way and happily put all our groceries away. I had a lot to do before I left for the airport. Her flight got in at 1:10pm. I put the groceries away, moved some boxes to make a path, took a shower and next thing I knew it was 12:20 and I needed to GO! I left for the office to pick up some stuff, got back into my car and she was in at 12:39pm! WTH! How is she 30 minutes early! So I hauled ass and pulled up about 2 mintues after she got her luggage, so at least she didn't have to wait long. Sorry baby :)

We got home and she looked around our home. She liked it :) YAY! I figured she would but sometimes you just have to worry. Poor little sickly kitten though, she was tired and I was beat so we called it a night and hopped into our bed for our 1st night in our apartment :)

Friday we had to get up kinda early cause she had an appt. with a temp agency. I was a zombie, a very sore zombie. I went back home, waited for our new stove to be installed and then went to get her breakfast and a sonic and pick her up. I was beat tired but we had lots to do. We came back, changed and headed out to get A LOT of stuff we needed for the homestead. I had quite a migraine building so we went home and I took a nap so we could head to the Valentines Dance at 6:00pm

She looked so adorable. Still sickly, she was quite the trooper and I really appreciated it. The dance was at the Holiday Inn downtown and it was very nicely done. It was just big enough but not so big that you couldn't find a person if you thought you had lost them. The food was pretty yummy and the night went over fairly well. We had our picture taken and I already made a shadow box frame out of it. We went home got some meds and curled up together.

Saturday morning that alarm went off too early again. We had to get to IKEA though because we needed a couch. After some super yummy Jack Daniels chicken in Valencia and a lot of traffic we made it to IKEA.... lots of hours later and ANOTHER migraine and we were on our way back home with a couch and a lot of other fun stuff for the home :) Dinner with the family was cancelled, so that was nice because we were beat down. I was drained from Migraines from the past 2 days. We cuddled on the couch, ate some food and watched TV. That was one of the best nights ever.

Sunday came way too quickly and once again we were rushing to the airport at 11:30am. This time though, I was ready to kick her on the plane (well not really, never really) because when I see her in 15 days it's because I'm in Boston to pick her up and we head on our drive to CA. These 7 months have gone FAST. It didn't seem like it at the time but since we started these flights every 2 weeks to get her situated, it's been flying. She has no more free weekends and I'm spending all my time getting everything settled so we can fill the house back up when we pull in.

So many wonderful things that were, are and will be. I love my time with her. No matter where it is. No more hotels, no more airports, well except to Bora Bora *winks*, no more watching the clock, no more countdowns till I see that smiling face because each night, she'll be here. Right where she belongs.

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