Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All the Others

Lately I've been speaking with a lot of friends.  I need my friends right now.  I need a strong support system and I'm truly blessed that all the years I've spent looking for the just the right people to enlighten, enhance and generally help me grow, are all here for me now when I need them most.  It's a very safe feeling with a lot of not so safe feelings going on inside.

I had one of those conversations with a friend today about believing people.  She said, "I just don't know if I can believe anyone anymore."  That struck me deep.  It took a few hours to sink in but it did and here I am at my keyboard, gettin' it out.  How does one really respond to that?

How can one person undo that kind of damage, turmoil... fear?  How does one person who had no hand in such things get thrown in with all the others?  Maybe the question is, how does one person NOT get thrown in with all these people when it's happened time and time again.  History says we repeat itself so why wouldn't the next person get thrown on the bus with everyone else?

I live in the now and I live in a pretty positive outlook on life kinda way (even with current circumstances).  Don't get me wrong, I falter.  I feel like I'm almost being tested lately and that's okay.  I'm keeping with 2 very strong mantra's right now that I typically preach with:

~The universe will only give me what it knows I can handle~
~Keeping my best flip flop (foot) forward~

And of course, humor.  It's my staple and it makes me smile but more importantly it makes those around me smile and that always feels good inside.  I could cry and be miserable all day long but if I can make one friend smile, then I feel so complete.

So what do you do when presented with such a 'task' (if you will)?  With the current blog, I know my answer.  I know I'll run right for it but what would you do?  Would that scare you?  Would it make you feel like you're being pushed away or blocked... disposable even?

It just makes me wonder...

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