Monday, July 16, 2007

Hello fun stuff

Okay, my first attempt at actual double exposure. SWEET! It worked. Not the best but not bad for my first one. The web looking background is a spiny bush with mini lilac flowers in it. I like it!

Some Asian women kept chasing this poor guy up a walk way, no matter where he ran to, they tried to get right next to him. He finally got fed up and went up a tree to get away from them. I was getting ready to head out for the day and thought this was a pretty shot.

My favorite flower... the Tiger Lily. I took out a Macro +10 filter cap, screwed it on and this is what I got. Pretty cool. Needs some work but it's pretty tricky to work with.

Basking in the sun, this peakcock was talking an awful lot. He kept giving me the "eye." I caught him with his beak open while he was yelling.

1 comment:

evan dk said...

Oh wow! They are so pretty! You take really neat pics A.J. I love them. Keep showing your pics on the blog so I can see. I was showing Tam your blog and she wants to create one. BFN
Anna & the Tamster was here!