Monday, July 09, 2007

Card Pulled: Shouldawouldacoulda

After explaining my dilemma to a friend about the book incident of 2007. He pulled 2 cards on me. The "what if" and "time lost/wasted" cards. Ouch. Talk about hitting the nail on the head. So after feeling pretty ridiculous about not buying the book, I decided since I had to pick up some photos and it was going to be on my way home, I should just buy the damn thing.

So I walk in and take in the smell of the books and head toward the back to the art section. I scan the area and can't find the book. Well of course I can't. I read that section over twice and it just wasn't there. I went to the not-so-help center and of course they could answer this. It was sold yesterday. Apparently, it was a hotter commodity then I thought.

Lesson: I "shoulda" bought it. Then I "woulda" had it and I "coulda" been on my way to drawing. DAMN IT!

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