Friday, July 06, 2007

Ghost Hunters

Okay so I called my friend to see if she wanted to meet me down at the batting cages. Her response was simply this, "Oh I want to but we're going ghost hunting downtown. Wanna come?" Now to some of you this may sound a bit odd but I thought it sounded like a lot of fun. Now see they weren't meeting till 10:00pm at the #1 haunted building in Bakersfield: The Haberfield Building. So I told her I'd call her if we could make it. I bounced the idea around in my head because there was that voice. You know the one. "You need to get to bed early, you have a lot of work to do tomorrow." As I was about to give in, I snapped up my head and became really angry. I have no children. I can drink a little caffine and sleep in on the weekend. If I want to go ghost hunting, I should just go ghost hunting. I walked in that batting cage and killed that ball. I am tired of always doing "the right" thing. I want to have fun and sleep should not be why I don't do something. I can always catch up on sleep.

So after 30 minutes of killing the ball and myself, we hurried home to change and head downtown. We got there and settled in. Jenn gave us some background on the store and things that have occured over time. Apparently, this ghostie or ghosties do not like the beanie babies in the store. It or they also like to rearrange things around the store as well. She took us around and showed us different parts and rooms around the store.

So we got our instructions and just sat around, attempting to be quiet but put 8 of us together, 2 being big chickens and it makes it kinda hard to be quiet. Lots of giggling and such. We decided to roam around a bit with the night vision cam (very fucking cool btw). Denise handed it to me and I started to walk toward some of the back rooms and it shut off. Weird cause I my hand felt like it got bumped and then the camera turned off. Okay whatever. Then she had trouble getting it back on and decided to talk to the ghost: "Okay little ghostie, since you're so technologically advanced, why don't you turn the fucking thing back on." I don't know that I've laughed that hard in a long time. Leave it to Denise.

So we were all gathered toward the middle of the shop discussing some stuff and all of the sudden the credit machine starts printing out a receipt, over and over and over. We ran over there to see who did it but we realized we were all together. It wasn't on a whole hour it was 10:57, so it's not like it would be set to print end of the day receipts and it only printed one thing but 3 times. Okaayyy.

To which we walked into the other room to grab the paper and noticed a piggy beanie on the ground. Okay who threw the pig on the ground. Again, we were all together, no one went off alone. At the beginning we took pics of all the areas where things have moved or had something seen. Aaron pulled up some pics he took and one of them showed the pig on the stand with the other beanies. Weird. So Denise decided to sit in that corner because she thought the ghostie was hanging out there. She decided to just ask the ghost if it was there and she noticed a starfish beanie moving. So she asked again and it moved again. Then she began asking yes or no questions and each time this little starfish beanie would wiggle. Clearly move and not just in front of her. Creeeepppyy.

So we heard some chairs (or what sounded like chairs) being dragged across the floor above our heads. So 3 of them ran upstairs to see if they could find anything. Just some abandoned rooms, no chairs, no nothing. Alrighty.

Ghosties? Maybe, but we plan on staying the night some time in the near future to see what happens in the witching hours, it should be fun.

What do you believe in....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Scaaaairyy! Are you into ghostbusting? LOL I think I would pee my pants. DM