Monday, August 14, 2006

Weekend Update

Friday was cool, I got off work at 3:00pm to drop mail off and so we finished our workout at 4:00pm. There wasn't very many people at the gym, it was nice. Although, there were 2 men talking extremely loud by a bike. This goes to that whole, shut up and work out attitude I'm getting. I hate having to hear other peoples' conversations! It's annoying! I had a hell of a time on the bike, my legs are fatigued, plain and simple. I now know pain.

Saturday got flipped around, we stayed up too late and so now my schedule went something like: 8-10am go help Erin with her classroom, 10:00am, haul ass home, eat again, get ready and meet Kris at some wedding dress shops at 11:00am. She had me till about 1:15pm then I went to the gym, died through my bike workout (thank goodness we got Sunday off). Headed off to pick up a cake for Erin's surprise gaming/birthday party, then picked up the dogs and went home to straighten up a little. Some of our friends came over and we had dinner, yay for tri-tip, and played a 3 hour game of Railroad Tycoon which Erin happened to win by 1 point. This was nice for 2 reasons: 1) It was her birthday and 2) she had never won at RRT before. YAY FOR ERIN!

Sunday was nice, we laid around, dug in some dirt, laid around some more. Took a nap, then went to our parents house for dinner. It was good. I went for a swim for an hour, did a lot of laps so I could have a piece of cake, it was worth it!

Some misc. times in there, I found time to read Harry Potter. I have been putting off reading book 6 because book 5 ticked me off so much. I hear this one will anger me even more but I'm ready for it... I think. So in the past couple of days, I've read about half the book, only 300 more pages to go, I should finish by the end of the week.

So that's the end of my weekend, basically.

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