Friday, August 11, 2006

The day after yesterday... Today.

Well, my first full session with Brian was yesterday. Holy shit. He's worth the money. He pushed me and it was great. I felt like I was working hard for something important. I realized I am, me. I like working hard for me, I'm cool. No really, I am. :)

So during the session, I learned that if you tell Brian something was easy, he will make it heavier and longer. So he has earned something very important. He earned the saying, "Brian Wins." He won a lot yesterday. I thought the elliptical was tough.. pffff... cake walk compared to what he can do. The more I winced from the burn, the more he smiled. I think he enjoys the power of pain.

So anyway, my legs do not function right. I can't walk correctly, it's kinda funny. My quads feel like jello and like they could buckle at any moment. It's a good hurt. Or at least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself. He gave me homework. I like homework. Well I need to eat my APEX bar and drink some more water. Amazingly, these taste a lot better than they used to. I actually really like the double chocolate chip cookie, it tastes more like a brownie.

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