Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My last blog with Lucy

So it's minutes before I leave for my surgery. Yes, I am very nervous. Yes, I know it's routine. But it's not routine for me and I'm very apprehensive about it. Wish me luck, if even to yourself, it would be greatly appreciated. I have a severe case of the "white coat" syndrome and I'm still flipping out from them extracting blood from me on Monday. I woke up at 4:30am just so I could have a drink of water since I'm not suppose to have anything after 5:00am. So I'm pretty stinkin' hungry. So yeah, I'm scared but really people go through much worse than this and I should just suck it up. One thing that is getting me through is the idea of getting a crushed ice soda and crinkle fries from Root Beer King. Shut up, I know that's bad for me but I'm going through an ordeal so :p *sticks out tongue*

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