Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm in for a world of hurt.... literally.

Yesterday, I did a fat% test, along with some basic tests by a trainer to see my ability. Okay so my fat% is pretty much as unhealthy as you can get (not surprised). My ability is surprisingly pretty good. I had "good form" during squats. I hung through these horrific freestanding "core" exercises. It felt like someone was pushing my back into the ground. We discussed some options and signed up for 11 sessions. I have some major (and minor) goals and I feel this is the jumpstart I need. I have now become financially responsible for my health as well.

Which brings me to my newest painful discover. My legs are killing me today. My legs were killing me last night. And this is just from the "basic ability" test. Today is my first session. I'm in for a treat tonight. I hope I can walk tomorrow.

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