Friday, October 28, 2005

Scary Pisces, Deeper Thinking and Math Says Confusion = Challenge.

Speaking with a friend this morning, I was confronted with the task of listening and lending some light assistance. Two things I never mind doing for anyone in true need. I was challenged with some good, dark, points. Thinking quickly, like the pisces I am (swimming fiercely but gently), I answered from within my soul and past experiences. To which I was told "Pisces scare me."

Well that wasn't my intention but I guess my boldness can sometimes be taken that way. I also realized when speaking with the many different natured souls that I do, each person allows me to draw something special from within myself. I enjoy each person who has come onto my path in life, good or bad, I've taken something with me from them to travel forward. My ability to use a deeper thought process has come back to life lately and it's pretty enjoyable and sometimes "scary." I like the thought of my soul becoming a little more unlocked. I thank you for that.

Confusion was presented to me this morning, not for myself but as a problem in ones life. My answer was simply stated. "I see being confused as a challenge." With that I mean, you must embrace it and let it take its course, there isn't anything wrong with being confused but don't let it rule your self. We all need challenge and change, after all, they are inevitable.

"Standing at a locked door, I know the key is on the other side but how will I get to it?"

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