Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Counting down to positive energy & being rejuvenated.

So it's now 3 days till we game. Game nights serve a few purposes for me. Not only do I get to play the best type of games ever invented (check out my link to European Board Games) but I get to socialize with some of the best people ever.

As we move through my life you find out just how busy I am. So for the hours we play, I forget about the test I need to study for, the work piling up at my job, the cleaning I need to be doing, the pitching lessons I need to lay out, the words I need to get out of my head and onto that damn sheet of paper that taunts me daily... you get my point.

Gaming is equal to coffee for you "normal" people. It wakes my body up form the inside out but instead of just for a few hours, this lasts for days and I feel clear headed and ready to run toward my tasks instead of away from them. I love how much positive energy I get from my friends.

"Surround yourself with goodness to find your inner strength..."

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