Monday, October 31, 2005

Never try anything new in the morning till you are able to commit to reading the label...

Monday morning after Daylight Savings proves to be a difficult one. Sleep. Such a small word that is the beginning of all days and things yet to come. The foundation of new memories to make. I woke up an hour early and had trouble falling a sleep the night before since I was so excited about Halloween.

In need of some energy, I decided to try this new Apple Pie flavored bar. Sounds great, huh? When I think of Apple Pie, I think of a light flaky crust and some carmalized apples. I open this little mystery bar to find what looks like a bar shaped piece of plywood. Not that it looked bad but there were a lot of little pieces compressed in there.

So to a person who has allergies, this might typically send some kind of alarm that "hey, you may want to look at the ingredient list." However, in my half-asleep state all I had ensured was I had some water there because I know these bars can get dry kinda fast. I take the first, very small, bite and begin to chew. A little strange but good, has a nice flavor to it. So I'm thinking what a great breakfast to have... (about this time, I'm half way through it) and then it happens. All of the sudden my tongue is swelling, my throat and ears are itching to no end! I grab the wrapper and read the ingredients to find there are walnuts and almonds as main ingredients! I just start lapping down water and scratching at my throat like I was clawing through wrapping paper.

The nice thing about my allergy, is it will go away on its own but it sure is uncomfortable for 15-20 minutes. So lesson learned, no eating new things without reading labels or early in the morning.

If it had given me a splotchy red face and arms, this could have worked to my advantage being Halloween and all. Oh well, I'll settle for the bar mask with hooded robe to scare kids.

Note: In no way am I making light of people with truly bad allergic reactions, so get over it and shut up. Thank you and good day.

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