Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another one come and gone... and I still can't capture a flag.

So my full Saturday contained many elements: softball, hot flashes, gaming, a nap and more gaming with cookies. I started out my normal Saturday with pitching lessons, good job by all, watching the girls work hard and wanting more makes me feel like I'm finally getting somewhere. I look forward to the upcoming season which is quickly approaching.

Then as that finished up, a video gaming tournament was held at the high school to see who was the all time bestest Madden player. Some of the kids played board games on the side or when they were disqualified from the Madden game. A couple of the teachers that were participating were just as into those games as the kids, that was fun to watch.

We packed up and headed home, I was hungry but decided a sprinkle of sleepy dust was the only therapy I needed if I planned on hanging in "adult play time." So I got the hour pick me up and got ready to game, this envolves picking up cookies, a very important element in gaming.

We played Shadows over Camelot, RoboRally and another game I can't remember the name of but it envolved blowing up an island and dumping people off the land into the water to be eaten by sharks.

With 7 people involved on defending Camelot, there was bound to be a traitor, but who could it be? The game is very difficult to beat so the traitor has very little work to do in the beginning, not till towards the end does it become (sometimes) a little more obvious. Poor Sally, she just wanted to destroy Camelot and continually adding siege engines made her a quick person to target the accusation. Rich made the call and we had our trader! We shortly won our last quest and won the game! All hail the knights of the round table!
RoboRally is always a challenge for me. I always make that one wrong turn which gets me pushed off the board or into a pit. Erin won this game and didn't have to power down once, I guess her math background and awesome starting point contributed to this heavy metal win. I enjoy sliding on conveyer belts and turning on gears but I guess I'm not one to follow the crowd and actually make it onto a flag. I guess I should be able to make one but making 3? I don't think my robot is that lucky. Oh well, I guess it could be worse, my robot could have a lisp or limp...
???(game I can't remember the title), give me a break it was 11:00p.m. and I just came off a very sad loss of RoboRally. The object was to get your people from the middle island to any of the 4 islands on four corners by boats, swimming or dolphins helping you along. There were sea monters, sharks and whales to detour your voyage. It was a very cute Milton Bradley game from like 20 years ago (I saw on the box it was printed in 1982). Kurt beat me by two points. I always enjoy a close game by numbers.
We attempted to get taco bell afterwards but the line of 14 cars detoured me home instead to have a cheese link in a bun with mustard. Good stuff but its no bean burrito with sour cream, no onions... maybe I'll get it later today.

1 comment:

Net_Lemming said...

The game is Survive! by Parker Bros.