Thursday, April 15, 2010

No Title (weird I know)

So yesterday I was prompted with an interesting thought:

"Do you forgive me for wanting to be happy?"

I have a VERY intriguing and wonderful room mate by the name of Joel.  He is very insightful and quite brilliant, not just by textbook standards but in a very matter of fact way of thinking about life.  I truly enjoy our kitchen conversations, we have them quite often.  Yesterdays conversation was in the garage though.  I wonder if that means something?

He was asking me some things along a personal matter and yes I know I'm not alluding anyone, it is about my break up.  I explained things, did some out loud internalizing and he took a very "open minded" approach.  I'm not surprised in the least.  I just wanted to note that sentence so I have it for reference in weeks to come :)

A surprising turn of events was when he stated that I was inspiring him to get back into shape.  I was humbled, yet again and smiled graciously at him.

I want to get back to gym.  I just hate sleeping, my nightmares are fierce and waking up with a neon flasher of "CANCER" on my mind is getting tougher and tougher.  I can't work out if I can't get good rest... but I am forming a plan because I don't want to make excuses as to why I can't do something.  I want to problem solve on how TO accomplish something.

When it comes down to it I'm not going to blame someone else for what I'm chosing to do (or not do).  I am responsible for me... 'nuff said.

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