Monday, April 12, 2010

:::Beckon Me:::

She draws me out to her
I'm but a pawn on her chess board.
I stand there, looking, breathing, fighting
It's useless, I'll give in, she knows what she's doing.
I've always had a weakness for the deep blue of her eyes
For her touch, oh what a touch! cool and calming.
I seek her peaceful nature and fear her wrath
Her power, her gentleness, her strength, her beauty.
I wish I could be such a force.
Have such a way with my own self
That not many could aleve such an insatiable desire to be near me.
No one person could handle such a power
Only the Gods we read about in stories could possess such gifts.
This is why they bestowed it upon such things all people can enjoy
This is how the ocean beckons me to her...

1 comment:

TLW said...

I very nice rendition of what the ocean posses... being an ocean lover to the 10th degree, it was nicely said...