Monday, February 15, 2010

5k Walk

So Saturday was the big walk.  I saw a lot of people I knew which in some ways made me feel even more out of place.  I know what some of these people compete in.  I just kept the notion that everyone has to start somewhere and here was my start.  My heel was as stretched as it was gonna be.  There were only a handful of walkers and my goal was basically not to come in last.  We took off and I had about 10 people behind me so all I had to do was stay ahead of them.

At the first turn Lex was already about 5 steps ahead of me which I expected.  It was long before she was WAY out in front of me.  I only had to tell her once she better not wait for me.  I wanted at least one of us to make it under an hour and I knew she could easily do it.  Having her so far out in front of me just helped me keep pushing myself.

I noticed she passed a person.  So then I thought, I want to pass someone and I did.  By the end of the first mile I passed 3 people.  Each time saw her pass people, I wanted to pass them.  By the end, I  passed 7 people!  I was so excited but what made it better?  I finished with a time of 52:56. A little over 17 minute per mile.  I'm good with that.  The snacky foods at the end were YUMMY.  I was so proud of Lex, she finished in 51:20  well done little girl :)

Here is our highlight :)

Nothing says you just finished a 5k walk like Orange Smiles :)

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