Friday, May 08, 2009

Captain's Log 050809

I'm freakin' tired. The kitten waking up at 5ish to play is sucking. He's taking about 1.5hrs of sleep away and for a person who stays up late, this doesn't work so well in my favor. Polly seems to enjoy his company, she beats the crap out of him and then when he and I leave for work, she sleeps.

He does pretty good at work but when he's ready to nap, he wants me to hold him. This makes it a tad difficult to do my work effectively. Not impossible but definitely harder. He's also discovered that anything I drink, he would like a taste. I do not find this amusing, so caps are a must. Straws, he says, just give him a challenge.

So yeah, it's Friday and I'm ready to go home and kick back with my girl.

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