Saturday, May 31, 2008

GeoWoodStock aka Geek Central

Alright, so as most of you know I'm a geocacher. This means I use the governments highly sophiscated sallites to find bouncy balls and lock & lock containers under tumble weeds at dead end roads. It's highly addicting, I don't care what you think. To make matters even dorkier, groups of people hold events *points at self* We will be hosting one June 13th at ??? Can't tell you but if you sign up at it's loaded up in there :) coordinates and all. AND to be Mega Dorky they even have Mega Events which means that over 500 people will attend. Just so happens that Geowoodstock VI was in Wheatland, CA over Memorial weekend.

Alix and I took the plunge and made the trek. We cached on our way up there, we cached there and all the way home. So basically a 4 hour drive home, took 7 hours but whatever, it was AWESOME! There were vendors from everywhere, selling some pretty cool stuff. We had a pretty tight budget but we were able to pick up a few select items.

They had raffles, games, poker, bingo, hunts, food, TB exchanges and geocoin swaps. The big thing I wanted to do was the TB exchange. So we drove around Bakersfield and wiped out a lot of bugs and coins to take up there and then bring a bunch of new ones back into town. I took 15 up and brought 30 home :) There were so many, I wanted to take my only 30 gallon tub worth but restrained. We traded for some cool coins and found some caches unlike we have around here. It's funny how hides change from city to city.

You saw all kinds of nerdy, geeky, dorky people. IT WAS GREAT. We even almost got run over by some other cachers. We were trying to beat them to a First to Find. They were hilarious! We met a lot of really fun people overall. One of the TB's I launched was Fillmore from Cars and turns out there is a working size Fillmore that is a discoverable TB! I took some pics of mine and the real one. If you look super close above the driver side door, you can see a little spec? That is my Fillmore!

Saturday night after the event, we went back to the hotel around 7:00pm with the intention of logging finds, coins and TB's then loading the GPSr's and heading out for some night caching. Turns out it took us till midnight to log everything and we were wiped out! So we went to bed and slept in, then got up, loaded the car and cached around town till it was time to head home. Crazy stuff.

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