Tuesday, May 20, 2008

GeoCatching in the night time... like really night from 1:am on.

So my cute little friend Courtney has a tendency to hear things how she wants to hear them. From the 1st mention of Geocaching she chose to hear/call it Geocatching. Now if you were to combine the idea of Geocaching and Pokemon, she basically has it right. You gotta catch 'em all! *chuckles*

So after a full day of Fondue and Art, we met at Color Me Mine like we so often do on Saturday nights to work on some pieces. Like most conversations of late, we got onto Geocatching. Sidebar: We basically all call it "Catching" now End Sidebar. So most of the girls were hungry and were planning a Tour de French Toast at IHOP. I got the okay to go geocaching, so we decided to go home and load some "catches" while the girls toured some syrup. So around midnight the girls showed up, 5 of us loaded up in the car and we were off. This was Courtney's 1st time out. There was one near the house that Jenn and Denise needed so we went there first. Courtney was ready, we got to the park and started walking toward the back of the park. There just happened to be a party going on right where the cache was. Well on the other side of the fence. So Courtney walked right in there near the fence and used the flashlight and found it rather quickly hanging off the tree. We exchanged some stuff and moved along... oh yeah, she was hooked. But first we had to go back to the apartment because she forgot to use the potty before we left... silly kid. Then we headed back out to Free Liberty *smacks head*

I have been catching for about 2 years and have found myself in some weird situations but I have yet EVER had THIS happen to me. So the misfit band that is our Framily heads to the coordinates. We are brought on to a sidewalk and lead to a fence, lightpole and some misc. trees and bushes. Swell. We start investigating and are looking for a good 20 minutes when it is noticed that 2 locks are on the gate but one is on the side that doesn't open. I walk over and lift the lock up to see that someone hollowed out the lock and stuck a nano magnet cache in it. EUREKA! So we unwind the riboon size log, log it and I place it back in the cache and head to replace it. Just as we turn to walk back to the car, here comes Bakersfield's finest... oh yeah, the police with their big ass bright spotlights asking what we're doing. So I explain we're playing a game and even walk the officer over to show him the cache. He replied well that's definitely not what I thought you were doing. He was thinking more along the lines of graffiti or drugs. I said, nope just geeky gps games. So they let us on our way. *phew* How weird was that, I just got busted by the po-po for being a geek!

Once in the car we started making jokes about the whole thing and Miss Courtney busts out with "yeah excuse me while I pull the spray paint out of my vagina." *insert us dying laughing here* I mean I get it but that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the night. After a couple, Courtney caught on pretty fast and she was the first one in the bushes every time *no lesbian pun intended* We ended up 6 of 8 for the night and rolled back in about 3:00am OH WHAT A NIGHT!

Always a great time out with the Framily... welcome to the obsessive world of Geocatching Courtney, may your finds run high and your lamp post skirts run higher. *giggles*

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