Friday, May 02, 2008

The Fabulous-Not so Fabulous-But Wait! Fabulous Friday Once Again.

Today started out like most Fridays, wake up, a little wiggly fish in the kitchen with my girl, off to work and then whatever we have planned for the evening. Always a great day, I mean, afterall, it is Friday. Work started out fine, got in, ran my samples and THEN my phone restarted itself and this means a new geocache was posted YAY So Alix and I decided to grab the cache and some lunch at Checkers since it was near by and we love us some Checkers.

Got to the cache, met a fellow cacher and since she was vertically challenged we co-grabbed that one. So we missed the FTF but still got another find under our belts. So off to Checkers... and then it started. I went to pay and my Debit card was MIA. Weird... must be in my car. Wasn't there... so Alix said she'd look in all my shorts and any place it might be. No luck. I tore my car apart, nothing. The last time I remember using it was at Sonic yesterday. So it took a few times but I called and they had it! *phew* I had finished all my samples but I didn't like that my card was way over there and in drives my boss... with more samples. That makes it hard to leave early and I really needed to leave early because I had a lot of stuff to get together for the new gallery and pack up two kittens who were going to their new home :) So my boss was nice enough to let me leave early to get my card which would work out great so I could have some time to put stuff up at the gallery. I get half way home and realize I left my phone at work so now I'm annoyed again because I'm going to have to go back...

I walk in the homestead to 4 kittens covered in poop waiting for a bath but we're having trouble with our water AGAIN. So I help clean them up and time is just ticking away. I just start packing up my car when I wanted to be at the gallery. I still had to shower and go back to work to get my phone... *sigh* Just one of the weird little afternoons. So I get to the gallery at 10 after 5, started to bring stuff in and talk to people. There was some really cool art up and it's going to look awesome once it's full. If you missed it, we'll be there againt the 1st Friday of June :)

I go to walk out and here comes my very good friend Denise and she immediately gave me a hug. I simply said, "I need that more than you know friend." She said she could tell and offered to walk with me so I could explain what was up and said she had a story for me as well. So I was just trying to detox the ucky stuff out and move on because it was over and now it was fun time at the gallery time. We even walked down to this little cafe and she bought me a coke, some yummy chips and a piece of cinnamon cake. mmm I'm always so thankful for the care from my friends.

When I walked back in, my very good friends Courtney & Patty were there. And it's always interesting to see just how well my friends know me and know something is wrong. I got lots of big hugs and it's so cleansing. It's like they counter the uckiness out and I'm sooooooo thankful for that. Now Miss SuperSmellGoodAlot Patty was awesome. I'm thankful that Courtney shares her and her wonderful hugs. She had the best scents when I hugged her, they linger in her hair and on her person and just made my heart smile inside. AND because I got to hug her so long, some of it stayed on me, so every so often I would catch little drifts throughout the night and it made me think of my very good friend and I couldn't help but smile. Thank you girls for always making me smile.

Within an hour I was back to good and it was so fun to see Jenn in her spotlight. I got some of my stuff hung up, met with an old high school classmate, took lots of pictures and just had an overall awesome time. I'm looking forward to hanging out around there more :)

*close curtain on the 1st eve of the Undergound Gallery*

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