Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Weekend

So Friday night was cool, some of our friends stopped by to see the new house and bring us dinner. Nothing beats a good ol' greasy burger and crinkle fries with extra seasoned salt, oh, and a fried burrito. My hat is off to you Frosty King on Niles. It just so happened they wanted to play a game as well. So enters Alhambra. It took about 5 minutes to show them the basics and we were off. The market was selling tiles quickly and Alhambras were being formed in all directions. Good game, I won :)

Saturday morning we headed out about 10:00am and didn't return home till 9:00pm. We had to go to Lowe's (for about the 7th time since we've moved), attend a very intense t-ball game, lunch with friends, return shelf paper to Walmart, buy some necessesities/return a carpet to target, look for dish towels and dvd towers at Linens-n-things and World Market, replace carpet at the old condo that Piper destroyed in her smaller puppy days and pick up the dogs at my parents house. I'm tired all over again from just typing it. We got home to a very pissed off Howie for being home alone all day. Made some snacks and watched Derailed with Jennifer Anniston and Clive Owen. 2 thumbs up.

Sunday I awoke to barking dogs and Erin singing in the background. I swung my feet around to find a happy Howie running around. Erin was working in her office. Turns out she had like 8 hours of grading to do which later I helped for about 2 hours before I couldn't take anymore. I laid around most of the day. I watched a lot of Friends and worked on my white belt of suduko book that I had bought yesterday. All I can say, going on a week and half now without cable, thank goodness Erin introduced me to Suduko. Kills time like no other and it exercises my brain. I may go professional, it's too early to say though.

So it was a jam packed weekend as usual. See ya in a few.

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