Sunday, May 14, 2006

*sings* "Here's a story..."

So waking up at 9:45am I heard nothing. No doggies running a muck, no Howie attacking my head in bed, no Erin singing and no TV noise. I got up and found the dogs a sleep in the living room, Howie was in Erin's office attacking anything that did NOT move and she was sitting there working. Apparently, she has the inability to sleep in and was awake at 6:30am... poor kid. I went and laid back down to relax. In flipping through the channels, to my wonderful surprise, The Brady Bunch was on for 48 hours!

Apparently, every weekend, TV Land puts a show on for 48 hours. I'm looking forward to Bensen the weekend of June 3rd. So it was a slow start for me today. My mom was golfing so I'm not going over there till later. Back to the Brady's, the next episode is when Marsha gets hit in the nose with a football.

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