Monday, May 22, 2006

The Weekend

Saturday consisted of 5 hours of errands. I swear, I'm going to learn Lowe's one of these days. I got another box turtle to adopt out. His name is Charlie. He's big and pretty. Although, his owner said he is a very pregnant female. Funny cause when you look at him, he's just an overweight male but you can't argue with someone who knows everything.

Saturday evening was birthday time. Yay for bar-b-que chicken and hot dogs. And of course, Cake. Sunday was cleaning time. Finally, some time to organize. I finished the living room and the kitchen/dining area.

I love how certain family members feel the need to comment on how we haven't finished unpacking yet but are so demanding of our time it's no wonder we've gotten as much as we have done. End Rant.

Babyshower to finish the afternoon, followed by a migraine to round out the evening. Oye.

If I had a cot at work, I could easily catch up on my sleep... I may look into that. Howie leaves us in 3 days.... *sigh*

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