Monday, January 16, 2006

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it was off to IKEA we had to go...

In keeping with the theme of planning for el casa nuevo we decided to start pricing some amedities at IKEA. We still need to visit The Great Indoors but on another trip perhaps. This past weekend we were in Arcadia at the L.A. Arboretum, if you've never been, it's a beautiful place to walk through and be left with nothing other than one's thoughts. Every 3 months we visit this tiny sanctuary to meet with other turtle keepers to discuss the issues of the state, local and between clubs. I won't bore you with details but it typically runs about 4 hours and is a good time. I keep minutes as the Executive Board Secretary and have to giggle sometimes at the words being jotted down by my pen. "Malarcky" was used this last meeting... now that was funny.

So afterwards we made our way to IKEA, parking was a bitch. IKEA was jammed packed, I found a chair I wanted for my office and Erin had to wait in a line to try it out, yes it was that busy. We found lots of fun stuff. Wow, are we going to have to save, save, save. 2 hours later we walk out of there with a few small oddities and call our friend Robert, an old college buddy of Erin's. It took us 40 minutes to go down one level to get out of the IKEA parking lot, talk about misery kicking you in the crotch. Sheesh.

We met Robert in Pasadena to go out for dinner. Yay for Hamburger Hamlet! All that shopping (and sitting in the car) made me hungry. I've only ever been in one HH before and it's super tiny compared to this place. In one section they even had a fireplace in the center with tables surrounding it, very lovely place to eat some beef in a bun. Spent some great time talking and laughing and just enjoying life together...

Sunday came too damn fast along with pitching lessons in the cold wind... burrrr. Note: If I'm saying it's cold, it is cold people. Took Sondra and Mom some baked potato soup in bread bowls for dinner, Madison is doing fine, she's sooo super itty bitty. Then off to my parents to hang out for awhile and watch X-Men 2, no I don't get tired of that movie.

So that was most of my weekend in a nutshell. Now I'm planning a garage sale... out with the old, in with the IKEA.

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