Tuesday, September 25, 2007

For all the things we struggle through, it’s those moments at the top that keep us constantly striving for more. We walk with encouragement, we speak through watching and listening and we love from our souls. So many things we do alone but our beginnings in life came with so much love and caring that we strive that much more when surrounded by a strong support system.

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in your life’s work? I think at least once a day I wonder, how did I get myself into this situation? How am I going to accomplish all of THAT? How is there time for anyone else in my life? Things constantly change around you, constantly make you look in the mirror at yourself and say, “well, it has to get done and no one can do it but you.”

You. Me. Us.

You do the best you can from day to day in hope that with good intentions, come good outcomes.

Me, selfish alone but powerful on a whole other realm.

Us occurred by a mysterious happenstance and combines the best of your heart and the powerful mindset of me.


May the “me & you” of your life find the “us” you've been destined to have since lifes' first breath.

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