Saturday, June 03, 2006

Nothing and Everything

Usually I come here to rave/rant/share/entertain some happening in my life. I have run into what I like to call "a wall phase." I hit the wall. When usually I would charge and conquer, I have chose to just sit against instead. I have no desire to fight. I have no energy to climb. I have nothing but to everyone around me, I have everything.

I am clearly swimming in sadness. The color surrounding me is darke blue and gray. I'm okay with that. I spoke with a friend about this long ago, I told him it was okay to be sad. Play to it. Don't smile, don't feel good, don't even listen to happy music. Sit alone and listen to every sad song you can find. Embrace it and let it overtake you, it makes coming out of it that much more pleasurable.

I have nothing to say but everything to rant about. I have nothing to give but everything to help. My nothing is your everything. I know you need me as much as I need you.

Too much of nothing and everything is my problem right now.


Net_Lemming said...

and you only had one drink :)

Net_Lemming said...

On a serious note, you need to get that house in order. It's Frakking with your head. Maybe you could just turn your mom loose. :)