Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To Know Nothing Else

Things that we take for granted until they are taken from someone else. Talking with a friend, he said some things that really made me think. Simple things that I guess, if you're lucky enough, you'll never have to say. Two things in particular struck me:
"17 years of marriage... over" and "So I will be single again."

How hard it must be to have to type those out, to say them out loud. 17 years of your life and it just stops. Usually, when you would have to start something over, a job, a new house for instance, it's with your partner. This time he has to start over because his wife is done.

I feel for him, I really do. Pain like that rips at you from every pore in your body. Even if you know it's coming and don't really love that person anymore, the fear of being alone can be terrifying. We get so lost in being a "couple" I think most of us forget what it's like to function as a single being. Your own entity.

I'm not saying being with someone is a death sentence to couple-ism. I'm also not saying being single is a road to loneliness. Single does not equal being alone. Some people do very well as a single. I guess this is more of a PSA: Be thankful for your partner but be eternally grateful for the love you receive, that someone loves you simply because you are you...

"For I will not wish you good luck, I will not wish you happiness to come but I will wish you well on your next journey."

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