Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's going to get easier.

So I'm writing these to not only share what is going on but as a reminder of why I don't want to weigh this much or feel this badly anymore.  Today I had a migraine so annoying that my nose was sensitive to touch.  I thought I was over the caffine/sugar/fast food withdrawal.  Turns out, I'm not even close.  I didn't give in to the caffine but I did get some fast food for lunch.  My boss offered Carl's Jr. and I took it.  I felt so crummy, I just didn't care.  Guess what happened as I was stuffing my face with 1000 island dressing/cheesyburgery fatness?  My migraine disappeared.  I think I'm just going to have to suffer through these migraines and eventually, they will pass.  It's better to do this now before January comes.  Giving it all up at once might destroy my goal and cause a break down.

I have to say I feel even lower now that all it took was the endorphins of fattening food to get rid of that pain in my head  :(

It's all a learning experience.  It. Will. Get. Better.

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