Wednesday, December 09, 2009

2 fun party ideas but no house for them...

So I really want to host a cookie exchange, it would be fun.  I know it would.  Problem is, we don't have a house.  I also would love to have a vision board gathering for the upcoming New Year.  Again, no house. 

I have been bestowed the gift of loving to have people over and cook and bake for them but when you don't have a house, it does make that a little difficult.  My mom has an aunt that she talks about, always having people over when they were younger and my mom is the same way.  I love a house filled with laughter and good conversation.  We've just gotta save our pennies and hope the opportunity presents itself soon.

At least I know one item that is going on my vision board... a picture of a house that we can make our home. 

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