Thursday, December 17, 2009


I'm obsessed with the movie Julie and Julia.  I love the idea of it, it has so many of the things I love.  Cooking and Blogging and finishing something big... something that is out of your hands.  There are so many good one liners and it just makes me feel good.  I watch it at least once a day.  I hope that everyone has a movie that just 'makes you feel good.'

"Do you know what I love about cooking? I love that after a day when nothing is sure and when I say nothing, I mean nothing. You can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, it will get thick. It's such a comfort." ~Julie

1 comment:

Dizzy Flinty said...

Cooking is therapeutic I cannot disagree on that.

...and it tastes nice :)