Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Beach Birthday Weekend

So Monday the 29th was the girls 28th Birthday :) Awww. My Aunt & Uncle got a trailer at the beginning of summer and had just so perfectly happened to plan on camping at the beach the weekend of Alix’s birthday. So we asked if we could set up a tent in their campground to which they insisted we stay inside with them since there was plenty of room… um OKAY!

We left after work on Friday and rolled into Morro Bay about 8:30pm. We stopped by Round Table first to get a pizza for a late dinner. MMMM. We watched some TV then headed to sleep with our big flannel blankets since it was so cold. Saturday we woke up about 10:30 (yay for sleeping in), had egg and (super crispy, oops) bacon burritos. Dragged our butts a little, took a shower and headed out about 1:30pm to show the girl around. I took her into SLO. Now as most of us Central Cal kids know, Morro Bay is known for its fog. True to form, it was cooler and foggy but as soon as we got on the freeway the sun was shinning through and it was WARM. We pulled into SLO, dug out some change for the parking meter and I showed her some of my fav shops. We bought some fun stuff and next thing we knew it was 3:40pm and we were suppose to be back at camp by 4:30pm. Oops. So we left to find BevMo and Old Navy. Bought some cool shirts and some alcohol to enjoy for the evening, then headed back and got in about 6:00pm to the smell of Tri-Tip on the grill…mmm. We also had, garlic bread, salad and baked potatoes.

After we stuffed ourselves, we headed outside to enjoy the cool weather and make SMORES! This was fun since we had to use a wire hanger and when you would try to turn the marshmallow it would stay in place. This didn’t slow the yumminess down at all. Earlier in the day we were at Rocky Mtn. Chocolate Factory and I had bought a caramel marshmallow to make a special smore. I tore it in half to make 2 and have enough to share. So I was trying to be careful because I didn’t want the caramel to drip off, then I turned to pick up the graham cracker and I forgot to break it. So I turned to look at the marshmallow and spin it, it was getting soft fast and I was trying to hurry. I reached back for the cracker and turned back around and I LOST IT! IT SLID OFF IN 1 WHOLE SECOND! *curses* So now I only had one more half to try and get it right but at least this time I had the crackers ready. Perfection, nailed it! I had a piece of chocolate on the top and bottom as well and it was super yummy! We passed it around so everyone could have a bite lol. We played cards for a little bit, then went inside because the fog was getting too wet. We watched Hancock, then some Saturday Night Live and fell a sleep for the night.

Next morning we got up, loaded the GPS’s up, went into Morro Bay so she could see that cute little town. We fed the seal’s and looked at some yucky fishies. Headed to Pismo to meet the family for Pizza at Klondike’s. We walked out on the pier first and found a geocache, it was pretty cool. My aunt and uncle were now hooked, so we walked back in to town and found another one by our favorite ice cream place. Then down the road we found a TB hotel and did a 3 for 3 exchange. Now we were all hungry for pizza. I showed Alix my Ms. Pac Man skills and we had a really good evening. We found one more nano geocache down the road from Klondike’s and then headed back to the campsite. Grabbed some cheesecake on the way, watched some tv and called it a night.

I guess no one is ever really ready to go home from vacation but we were missing Polly a lot. We woke up, packed our stuff up, had some random snacks for breakfast and headed into Pismo one more time to do a little more window shopping and grab some lunch. Decided it was time to hit the open road and rolled into town about 5:30pm.

The neatest part about the weekend was looking at the beaches/towns through fresh eyes. I forget while these places are like my backyard and I know they are always there for me to enjoy, they are very much new to Alix. She is already finding her favoritey places and I love to see her smile when she sees something new. I’m looking forward to many many more new adventures for the both of us.

I hope you had a really special 1st California Birthday luv… Happy Birthday sweetheart.

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