Monday, September 15, 2008

Positively Positive List o' Things to Do This Week

So it's been awhile since I've blogged. Well for me anyway. I'm keeping a positive outlook hour by hour, day by day, week by week and so on and so forth. I figure I can't control it all the time but if I'm making a vallant effort then the happpy fairy is bound to surround me and I'm okay with that. I have a lot on my mind. Not in a bad way but of things I'd like to accomplish in the next couple weeks. So I thought to keep you all posted on what's going on with me(us) that I'd make the list. And it will allow me to look it over on my time without it burdening my dreams. My own pensive if you will.

*Rearrange the Dining Room for easier gaming access.
*Set the extra room to be a workable space.
*Get more pics up on the walls
*Rearrange the IKEA shelves in the kitchen
*Get the laundry put away
*Re-evaluate the bedroom
*Think Birthday presents
*Make Halloween Aprons
*Geocaching Beach Weekend
*Work on Halloween Invitations
*Decide what to make for the "Look what I can do" potluck.

That's what I have for now... Good Night!

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